12 PM – 6 PM
JSC BERLIN: Screening Steve Reinke & James Richards
12:00 – 6:00 pm
Artist talk: 11 March, 7:30 p.m.
Steve Reinke and James Richards
When We Were Monsters, 2020, Video, 21′16″, color, sound.
The starting point of Steve Reinke and James Richards’ When We Were Monsters (2020) is a film made by the artist Gretchen Bender (1951–2004), who drew upon a cache of forensic images—depicting infections, deformities, and morbid injuries—given to her by a plastic surgeon. When We Were Monsters, made at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, is marked by an atmosphere of molecular porosity and existential vastness. Expanding Bender’s medical gaze to include a broader scientific gaze, Reinke and Richards weave an affective tapestry of images—featuring Ivan Pavlov’s ghost dogs, wounds, flowers, stains, fire ceremonies, and hallucinations, among other flashes of eros.